Returns Policy
We are happy to accept returns and cancellations within the time periods noted below:
Contact us by email within 14 days of delivery.
Once your return request has been accepted, the item(s) must be confirmed as delivered back to us within 30 days of your initial request to return.
If you wish to cancel an order that was placed before it ships, please contact us by email within 3 Days or you may be held liable for return shipping cost.
In the case of an exchange of items that were mistakenly ordered or are no longer wanted, the customer will be required to cover the cost of postage.
In the case of faulty or damaged items, an alternative may be offered provided that it can be determined that the damage or fault is in no way caused by customer use, wear and tear or mishandling.
Due to the handmade nature of our items, there may not always be an alternative available, in which case we may offer a refund at our discretion.
In all cases in which the customer contacts Sakura Studio Gallery, they must include their order number, a description of the items purchased that they would like to return/exchange/cancel and images where applicable.
Requests will be considered on a case by case basis.
The following items cannot by returned or exchanged:
Custom or personalised orders
Items bought during a sale for reduced price
Earrings (in the interest of hygiene, these cannot be resold and so we cannot accept a return)
Conditions of return:
Buyers are responsible for all return postage costs.
If the item is not returned back in its original condition, the buyer may be held responsible for any loss in value.
The buyer may be refunded in part, or in full, the value of return postage at our discretion.
The buyer must be able to provide proof of purchase.